25 Things I am Thankful for – Fitness Edition #23 90% Dark Chocolate
I’ll be completely honest…I love sweets. Since we all know sweets are not nutritionally beneficial, I choose dark chocolate to help curb my cravings. There has been a lot of talk in the recent years about the health benefits of dark chocolate but what many people don’t understand is that a product is not healthy and beneficial just because is says dark chocolate. Most products that contain dark chocolate also contain a number of other processed ingredients that are unhealthy. In order to reap the benefits from the dark chocolate, it is suggested that you eat 65% dark chocolate or higher. The darker the better. The fewer ingredients and the less processed, the better. I personally prefer 90% dark chocolate which contains almost zero sugar. When I first started eating dark chocolate, I was eating 72% dark. I slowly worked my way up to 90%. It can be unappealing to many, but overtime, your tastes buds can adapt and your desire for that sweetness diminishes.